






Sign up for recruitment here!
Alpha Delta Pi knows that the future of our sisterhood depends on the women we recruit into our chapter. New faces, ideas, opinions, and friendships help our chapter grow and change. For this reason, Alpha Delta Pi continues to recruit new members all year long.

Alpha Delta Pi offers our members many opportunities for leadership, sisterhood, scholarship, and service. As these are our founding principles, everything we do strives to incorporate these integral values. Alpha Delta Pi's members pride themselves on individuality. You won't find a bunch of "cookie-cutter" images in our house. Our unique blend of backgrounds, interests, and personalities make us stand apart from the rest. The following are some of our many unique offerings to our members:

  1. First and Finest. Alpha Delta Pi was the first secret society for collegiate women. Founded in 1851, we will soon be celebrating our 150th anniversary, an achievement of which no other sorority can speak.
  2. No Hazing. Never will you be hazed. Alpha Delta Pi was the first sorority to abolish hazing. Alpha Delta Pi sorority promotes sisterhood and friendship among its members. Hazing in no way achieves this goal.
  3. New Members are Equals. Our new members are not referred to as "pledges." We feel that the term is derogatory and infers hazing. Our new members are called Alpha sisters, initiated members are Delta sisters, and alumnae members are Pi sisters. Our Alpha members have the same rights and responsibilities as Delta members. They attend chapter meetings, may vote on chapter business, hold an office, and have a voice that is heard in the chapter.
  4. Short New Member Period. Alpha Delta Pi has one of the shortest new member periods, lasting as little as four weeks.

For more information about Alpha Delta Pi or recruitment at Ohio State, please contact Amelia Bassett, our Recruitment Vice President. You can also reach her at 294-1905.