Since 1979, Alpha Delta Pi has been devoted to the
Ronald McDonald House Charities, helping to
provide a "home away from home" for ill children and their families. Alpha Xi
hosts events each year to generate financial support for RMH. Last year, we
held I Spy an ADPi in the fall and Fast Track in the spring.
Several times throughout the year, the chapter also pays personal visits to our
local Ronald McDonald House to cook dinner, clean, or deliver homeade gifts.
Although the RMH keeps us busy, we make time to participate in the
philanthropies of other Greek houses and charitable events taking place in the
community. Our members are active in Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Project OpenHand,
and the Special Olympics, among many others.
For more information on ADPi's philanthropic efforts, or if you have a
philanthropic project in which we might be interested, please contact
Maghan Fortino, our Philanthropy Chair.